
Category Archives: Politics

Two Americas, A Nation Divided By Point Of View

There are two Americas.  There is one America that imported slaves from Africa, had Jim Crow laws and legal segregation, […]

Blue-Green Algae Bloom Was Florida’s River Burning Moment

Our home is blessed with an abundance of sunshine and water that attracts people and businesses. Protecting Florida requires balancing […]

Prison Is The Symptom Of The Problem

In 2018 Florida voted to restore voting rights to formerly convicted felons.  I was proud that this amendment was overwhelmingly […]

Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Last November, South Portland voters defeated the “Waterfront Protection Ordinance,” which aimed to stop the reversal of a pipeline that […]

Bloomberg Could Take Lessons From John D. Rockefeller Jr.’s Prohibition Mistake

A New York City billionaire advocated the of ban an unhealthy product. His name was John D. Rockefeller Jr., and […]

Cutting Income Tax Rate Could Increase Revenue in Maine

States with no income tax rate have experienced the most economic growth in the past few years. Talk of tax […]

NextGen Air Traffic Control and Creative Destruction

Now that the sequestration related travel delays seem to be over, regardless of who is to blame, we have a […]

Restore Maine’s Competitiveness by Ending Forced Unionism

The Way Life Should Be. Our motto rings true as Maine consistently ranks high in quality of life. However, for […]

Protecting The Privacy Of Concealed Weapons Permit Holders

Recently I received several emails requesting I contact my legislator to encourage their support of privacy rights for concealed weapons […]